Thursday, December 20, 2018


Hey guys !!!

Here got a way to do posters, flyers, facebook cover, wallpapers, bookmark, letterhead and so on. You guys can finish it within 5 minutes by using CANVA.

Canva is a graphic design tool website that helps to design presentations, social media graphics and more with thousands of beautiful layouts. As a student or a office worker you guys need to do these kinds of things using computers and its take time. Plus, the thing you expecting won't available there. So, canva here for you to fulfill your expectations by come up with your favorite design. After I started using canva, my works finish so easily and I get what I want.

You all only need to register yourself at and then start create your own designs !!

 So, here some canva designs :

Saturday, December 15, 2018


First and foremost, let me enlighten you with the meaning for ‘Happiness’. Happiness means feeling or showing pleasure and contentment. You can always make yourself to be happy if you know the correct recipe. Your first step would be mingling around people who can make you happy.Spend more time with friends, relatives, neighbour or even pen-pals who can promise you happiness. Secondly, pick up an interesting hobby or an outdoor activity. Therefore gaining happiness, these activities can strengthen your bond with others. Next get involved in some volunteering jobs, such as helping flood victims or running a blood donation campaign. It can relax your mind and it makes others happy too. Sometimes we can feel happy when others happy because of us. So, forget about others and make your life better and happy !

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There are many kinds of hobbies that we can spend our time on. There are indoor hobbies and outdoor hobbies. As for me, I like to go on camping trips during my free time. I usually go with my father and elder brother on weekends. We have gone camping to many places such as in the forest near our housing area, near rivers and at several national parks. I usually wear a T-shirt, knee-length shorts, socks and a good pair of hiking boots.

            There are a few important items that my father always reminds us to bring when going on camping trips. Each of us will bring our own sleeping bag, basic toiletries and a change of clothes. My father will fill in his knapsack with the first-aid kit while my brother and I will bring torches. An item that we must not forget is a compass in case we get lost.

            If we plan to go camping near a river, my father and brother will bring their fishing rods. They would spend a couple of hours fishing at the river, while I start a campfire. If they are lucky, they would catch a fish or two and we would grill them on the campfire. My favorite activity during these camping trips is sitting around the campfire. We would gather around, drink hot chocolate and just chat among ourselves. It is a good family bonding. Besides that, I also learn to appreciate nature. We always make sure the campsite is clean before leaving.
           Now days, after I'm coming to the hostel, I rarely going for camping and I really those moments. Plus, I miss my family a lot.


One day my teacher entered our classroom and asked us to prepare for a surprise test. We waited edgily at our desks for the test to begin. Our teacher handed out the question paper with the text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked us to turn the page and begin. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot in the center of the page.

            Our teacher seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following, “I want you to write what you see there”. We confused and started on the inexplicable task. At the end of the class, our teacher took all the papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of us with no exceptions described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet.

            After all had been read, the classroom was silent. Our teacher began to explain , “I am not going to grade on you this, I just wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the while part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot and the same happens in our lives. We have a white paper to observe and enjoy, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a gift given to us by God with love and care. We always have reasons to celebrate, nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the job that provides our livelihood, the miracles we see every day.”

            Our teacher added, “The dark spots are very small compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. However, we insist on focusing only on the dark spots, the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the complicated relationship with a family member or the disappointment with a friend. Take your eyes away from the black spots in your life. Enjoy each one of your blessings, each moment that life gives you. Be happy and life a life positively!”

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Let’s get know about big cats

As I know :

Lions usually live in families. They are the second largest big cat species in the world. The males are bigger than the females and they have longer hair on their heads. Most lions live in South Africa. Next, tigers live in forests. Some tigers are bigger than lions. Tigers are rare in the wild because people hunt them for their fur. Besides, leopards and jaguars are very similar, but the leopards live in Africa and Asia and Jaguars live in central South America. Leopards are smaller than jaguars. However, leopards are the strongest climbers among big cats. Jaguars have the longest tails. Snow leopards are the rarest big cats. People hunt them for their fur too. They live in high mountains. In addiction, cheetahs are the fastest animals. They are well known for their hunting as they are quicker than any land mammal. Cheetahs also have very good eyesight, which makes the spotting of prey easier.

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Image result for cheetah Image result for jaguar

Educate children to take care of it, not to hunt. 


Just a small conversation between us...

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Aishu  : Hi friends. Why don’t we plan a birthday party for Latha this weekend? 
              Let’s give a surprise shock for her.

Sharru : That’s a great idea. Where will it be?

Karthi  : We can hold the party at my home.

Aishu  : It is simple to celebrate her birthday at your house and 
              we can invite our classmates.

Karthi : Could we have a special birthday cake for her?

Sharru : Yes, we can collect RM40 from our group members. If RM40 from 
              one person, our total collection is RM200 so we can celebrate his 
              birthday in a great way.

Karthi : What is the budget, Aishu?

Aishu  : We can spend RM35 for one bucket KFC, salted egg chicken and 
              then we can buy a cake for RM40. We also can order chicken rice and 
              apple juice. We can buy some sweets and chocolates for RM10. 
              We also spend RM30 for buying presents for him.

Sharru : We don’t have any interesting activities?

Karthi  : Why not. We have DJ from Ravi’s brother for RM 70. Plus, we also
              can play games. Namely, musical chair, singing music and so on. 
              We can do dance floor too.

Aishu  : Wow !! sounds good. So our total budget is RM 197 still we can 
              save RM 3. Hahaha..

Sharru : How about if we invite our favourite former class teacher Miss.Che Su 
              to the party too. She is Latha’s favourite too. She will be happy.

Karthi  : That’s a great idea. Let me call and ask teacher first. “ Hello, hi teacher. 
              How are you? Actually we have a plan to celebrate Latha’s birthday 
              at my home. So, we would like to invite you for the party".

Miss.Che Su : Hi Karthi..sounds like fun. I will come. When will it be held?

Karthi  : It is coming on this Thursday. The time is at 6:00 till 8:30pm. 
              Thanks for coming teacher, bye.

Miss.Che Su : Its my pleasure, bye.

Aishu : So, friends its fix. Be prepare for the party on Thursday. I’ll handle 
             the cake and food. Karthi you inform Ravi’s brother plus inform 
             your parents about the party and Sharru u invite our classmates.  
             Let’s rock the birthday party. See you all tomorrow. Bye.

All     : Yeah !!.. bye bye..

Hope our plan work out..


Pada 14 September 2016, saya bersama dengan rakan-rakan saya dan diiringi oleh dua orang guru iaitu Encik. Firdaus dan Puan Khaziah ke parlimen. Empat puluh orang pelajar telah bersama-sama melawat Parlimen Malaysia.

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Kira-kira pada pukul 7 pagi, saya dan rakan-rakan melaporkan diri kepada guru pengiring. Selepas melaporkan diri, guru pengiring telah memberi taklimat ringkas sebelum bertolak. Sebelum bas bertolak ke Parlimen Malaysia, guru pengiring telah mengagihkan makanan dan minuman kepada pelajar yang mengikuti lawatan.

Pada pukul 8.30 pagi, kami tiba di destinasinya. Selapas itu, kami mendengar dengan teliti taklimat ringkas daripada pegawai bertugas di Parlimen Malaysia. Lawatan kami diiringi bersama pengawai bertugas untuk melawat sekitar parlimen. Semasa kami melawat, kami sempat membaca sebuah artikel yang berjudul penubuhan parlimen.

Kira-kira tepat pada jam 10 pagi, kami berkumpul dan melihat Dewan Rakyat bersidang dan perarakan membawa masuk cokmar, ucapan Speaker Dewan. Apabila perbahasan bermula, ahli dewan berganti berhujah tentang pendapatan masing-masing. Pelbagai isu yang dibangkitkan di dalam Dewan Parlimen. Ada yang menepuk meja untuk membangkang.

Pada pukul 12 tengah hari, persidangan tersebut telah tamat. Selepas itu, kami telah menanya beberapa soalan tentang persidangan tersebut kepada pengawai dan guru pengiring kami. Mereka telah menerangkan dengan baik kepada kami. Kira-kira pada pukul 12.30 tengah hari, kami bertolak dan balik ke sekolah. Kami berasa seronok dan mendapat pengalaman yang berharga.


Just a small story about my friend.

Priya walked happily to school. It was the school Speech Day and Priya was going to receive a prize for English. Her parents were coming later to see her receive the prize.

   Priya remembered how she had worked hard to improve her English. She knew that she would only success if she worked hard at it. Her mother once told her, ‘if you run into a wall, don’t turn around to give up. Find a way to climb over it’.

   That was what Priya did. She though of ways to improve her English and worked at them. She borrowed books from her school library and read them carefully. She learned the meaning of the difficult words and used them in her essays. She tried to speak in English as often as she could. She knew that being afraid of making mistakes was not going to help her.

  She also asked her class teacher, Miss. Rukumani, for extra help. Miss. Rukumani willing to read through her essays and taught her how to improve it. Slowly, Priya improved. She felt confident and took part in class activities more eagerly.

   Finally, she won prize in English Competition. Actually, it was a state level competition and she was the overall winner. “This is just the icing on the cake”, Priya told herself as she walked towards the school hall. I’m very proud to be her friend.


Its was a basic thing that everyone should follow and we should teach our children since they young.

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1) We must brush our teeth at least twice a day. We must brush our teeth in the morning      and before you go to bed. We must change our toothbrush every one month.

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2) We must take shower daily. We must use shower gel or soap to clean our body. After         shower, we must use a clean towel to wipe our body. We must wash our towel every           week.
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3) We should wash our hair regularly. We must use shampoo to wash our hair and please        don’t use soap or shampoo to our hair because it contain different ingrediants that            won’t suitable for our hair.

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4) We should wash our hands regularly. We should wash hands using hand wash or soap to      kill bacteria germs in our hands which can cause disease for us.

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5) We also should use deodorant for our armpit. So, our armpit will be clean and can avoid

Personal hygiene is very important because we can be healthy and do not fall in sick easily. Plus, make others feel comfort too.


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My school celebrated Teacher’s Day last year. All of us had a fabulous time and it also our last Teacher’s Day celebration at school.  There were many fun activities that day, which is started  at 8.00am.

First, we had an assembly in the school hall. The Head Prefect gave a speech. He informed us about the activities for the day. This was followed by another speech by the principle who reminded students to study hard and to cooperate with their teachers. He also commended the teachers for the diligence and commitment. At the end of the speech, we clapped loudly to show our appreciation to our teachers.

Next, the class monitors read out the Teacher’s Day messages. This was then followed by our class parties. While eating, we sang, danced and played games. Some of us presented our class teachers with presents and roses. I gave my favourite teacher, Mrs. Rumini, a stalk of roses.

After 11 am, the telematch started. Of course, this was the highlight of the day. The teachers and students played various interesting games. The games went on till 1 pm. Not surprisingly, the students won most of the games.

We all enjoyed ourselves so much that day and It was memorable day for us.


During the last school holidays my family and I had a nice break at Cameron Highlands. We left from Port Dickson early in the morning. The drive was pleasant and the scenery was beautiful. We reached Cameron Highland before lunch. So, we straight away went to our hotel.

The Heritage Hotel is a big and new hotel. Although the price of the hotel is very expensive, they gave complimentary breakfast. They served a variety of Vielnamese food. In the hotel, they have two types of swimming pools such as for children and for adults. We stayed at the hotel for two nights.

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The next morning we went to vegetables and fruits farms. All the vegetables and fruits were very fresh. So, my mother bought some fresh cabbages, strawberries and many more. The prices at the farm were very cheap compared to the market price.


         After visiting the vegetables and fruits farms, we went to tea estate. There were full of tea plants. We enjoyed seeing how the tea is processed. We were excited to taste the delicious tea. The tea was very sweet. The cold weather and hot tea was a superb combination. At 4.00 in the evening we went back to Heritage Hotel to take some rest.


Lastly, we went to Flower nurseries. We saw many type of flowers there. We saw roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. The flowers smelling was good and also good looking. My sister and I bought a rose and chrysanthemums. The price at the nurseries were also very cheap.

           We all had a great time. We will visit Cameron Highlands again soon.

Watching Too Much TV Can Harm You !

Is watching television affecting your family life? Do you rush for the remote control?

   Most people watch television for relaxation, entertainment and information. Programme channels such as ‘National Geographic’ and ‘Discovery’ are good sources of information.

   However, too much television can harm you. It can lead to violent behaviour or lack of conversation between family members. Studies show that young people who spend too much time in front of the television may become lazy, gain weight and have problems interacting with others.

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   To avoid such behaviour, just follow four simple steps to cut down on your TV time. Firstly, keep a record of how many hours a week you spend watching television. Secondly, do not watch just because you have nothing else to do. If you find a programme uninteresting, just switch off the set. Thirdly, set a time limit on the number of hours you watch TV. Lastly, spend more time reading a book or interacting with your family.

Become a smart TV viewer. Take control of the remote before it controls you.


When I was in school, we the members from the Lend-a-Hand Club visited Shelter in Petaling Jaya. We were there from 11am till 3pm.

    We went there to learn about the home and to spend time with the children. The children and the staff of the home were happy to see us. We sat and talked to them for a while. The children told us about life at the home. Some talked about their own families and why they were at Shelter.

    At 12.30pm, we had lunch that was provided by the Lend-a-Hard Club. It was a simple meal but the joy and laughter during the meal made it special. After lunch, we sang songs and played games.

    We also met James Nayagam, the Chairman of Shelter and Jega, the first person to join the home. By them, we get to know more about the home and current situation of the children.

    When it was time to leave, I felt happy that I had visited the children. At the same time, I felt a little sad. These children did not have the comforts I had. Yet, they did not complain. They were very sweet. Hope they will a get better life by God’s grace.

We all have that responsibility to save them and we should help them, it doesn't matter small or big. We can help them as much as we can. Let's share love...

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Batu Caves with Family

During my holidays, my family and I went to Batu Caves,Gombak. I was so excited because before that my holidays was passed very bored at home. At 7 pm we packed or things and start our journey to Kuala Lumpur. The dark road and street lights were gave me a calmness. I just sat quietly and enjoy the journey with my favorite songs. But, my two sisters not like me. They were talking during the whole journey without a break. My mother also joined with them. Later, we have dinner at a Indian restaurant beside the road. The food was not bad. Even though the shop was small but the food was tasty and its cheap. And then, we continued our journey.

    After 45 minutes, we reached Kuala Lumpur. We planned to go Batu Gaves tomorrow. So that we stayed at hotel nearby Batu Caves. We all felt tired so we slept early. The next day, my mother waked up me early in the morning. I can't even open my eyes and I gave a lot of reasons to stay at hotel but still she didn't leave me. Same goes to my father and sisters. She asked us to get ready quickly because got morning prayers at Batu Caves. She don't want to miss it. As usual, my mother's decision is the last at home so that we all get ready and went to the temple. Thank God we reached the Batu Caves before the prayers start otherwise we all finished.  It was a great escape. Then, we entered in. After long time, I saw the high statue of Lord Muruga infront of Batu Caves. Its gave me a good vibrations.

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    Later, we went to the temple and the prayers started. But got a lot of temples in Batu Caves. So, we went to the temples one by one. At the same time, Batu Caves was under renovation. So that there got many volunteers who help to carry the sand to the upstairs. Because there got 272 steps so its too tough to carry the sands overall. My family and I also volunteer to carry the sands. We all carry one bucket of sands each. When we look it, its easy. But, actually its not. First, it was going smooth. Later, my legs started to pain and my hands were cramp because overweight. Moreover, I have get away from the monkeys along the stairs. But I still manage and reach Temple Cave. Oh my God. My sisters and I were exhausted and sat there for a while.

     Later, we went to the temple inside cave and prayed. Soon, monkeys were crowded the temple. Everyone gave fruits and nuts to the monkey. My mother also gave fruits to them. But I ran away from there and went inside the temple because I scared for monkeys. Finally, the prayers all finished. Then, we went to the Cave Villa and saw the paintings and statues. They still maintained the antique look of the statues. We also went to the lake and gave food for fishes. The view over there was beautiful so we took some pictures there.

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    After that, we activated our shopping mood. We went to the shops and bought some sweets, bangles, dresses and so on. I also put henna there. The lady who put henna was very professional. Within 10 minutes she finished put henna on my hand. Many tourist also were waited there to put henna. After we satisfied with the shoppings and all. We have lunch at there and leave Gombak and back home.

Monday, December 10, 2018


During our childhood life, we all love to hear stories. So, I also have one story which I like the most. Its short but got something to learn. You all must heard or read it. But I just want to bring you all to your childhood life for a while.


Once upon a time, there got a little mouse named Bobo. He is very naughty and he lived with his mother. Once, Bobo asked his mother, " Mom, let me go out and see the world. I feel so bored here".His mother also allowed him to go. "Okay Bobo. But, be careful and back home soon".

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       Bobo was very excited to see the world. So, he came out from his hold and started to walk. He looked around the world. He was mesmerized by the beauty of the nature, tall buldings, and all. Suddenly, he saw a colorful cock. As he had never seen a cock before so he got frightened by the sharp beak, colorful feathers and red crown of cock. Then, quickly he ran away by thinking, "What a horrible creature". After some time, he came across a pussy cat. "What a soft animal" he thought, "beautiful white fur and striking eyes!". He loved the cat.

     Later, Bobo returned home and he told what he had saw today to his mother. His mothers said, "the cock is really harmless. But the soft cat is our real enemy,it will eat you". Bobo was shocked and realized that what he thought was wrong.

The moral of the story is we cannot judge people by their appearance.

Even its was an old story but its useful for this modern world. We cannot trust people       
  easily by their outlook. Not everyone who well dressed are good.


The 6th UKM Asean Art Festival 2018 was celebrated on 1 December 2018, at Dectar UKM. More than 5 Asean countries were participate in this event including Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia. Prof Madya Dr Roslee Rajikan  (Deputy Vice-Chancellor of  Students and Alumni Affairs) was the chief guest for this event. Participants from each country were performed their traditional dance except Koreans. They were performed k-pop. They got huge support from the audience because most of the audience were k-pop lovers and their performance was too good.

     All the participants were dressed well, followed their traditional theme and looked very colorful. They were well-trained and they did a wonderful performance. Before each performance starts, the hosts were explain audience about the history of each dance. It helps audience to understand the concept of their performance as well as their tradition too.

    Prof Madya Dr Roslee Rajikan also gave souvenirs to the representative from each country as a symbol of welcoming them to Malaysia and the Asean Art Festival. At the end of this event, all the participants were sang song and danced together. That was a perfect ending for that festival.

    This event were expand our knowledge by knowing other country's tradition. Its also helps to improve the relationship among Asean countries.

Night walk at UKM

It was a late night.. May be around 2 o’clock. We finished our aerobic practice and we was about to leave. Suddenly my roommate and I planned to go for a walk. So, we discuss together and informed our friends about this. Then, my friends also love to come with us. Later, we all started to walk. To avoid feeling bore, we started to sang songs and share our sweet memories with each others. We walked slowly along the road. We visited most of the hostels at UKM. We went to the foyer of few hostels and saw the facilities at there. Some facilities of few hostels were better than our hostel’s facilities. We keep continue our journey without getting bored and sleepy. Actually, it was really interesting to know more about UKM. Even more, its was our first night walk at UKM. So, we were very excited. 

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     During our walk, we took some pictures to keep it as a memory. Finally, we reached hostel Keris Mas. At there we realised and look at our watch. Its was early morning 6 o’clock. We were really shocked and asked each others “how the time was running too fast”. It was really funny. Then, we planned to have breakfast there. But its was early morning so the shops were haven’t open yet. So, we sat there and take rest for a while. After the shops were openned, we bought foods and took bus to go our hostel back. We don’t have enough strength to walk back to hostel. Hahaha.. So, we took bus and then reached our hostel. It was a memorable day for us.


The closing ceremony was held on 5 Dec 2018 at Stadium Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali-Vice Chancellor of UKM was the chief guest of this event. Apart from that, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UKM, Prof. Madya Dr. Roslee Rajikan (Students and Alumni Affairs) and Head of each college were joined in this ceremony. As a opening of this ceremony, students and athletes from each college were marching in the decorated path of the stadium and each college come up with different kind of themes. Actually, its a marching competition. They were well organized, steady and their rhythmic walk was too good. The audience were cheer up the students who marched and the jury members were gave marks to each college according to their creativity, perfection and so on. After that, there got an inspirational speech from the chief guest. He was very supporting and encourage students to be active in sports. And then, everyone did cheers together to support the Malaysian Football team because on that day there got a football match between Malaysia and Thailand. In addition, during the ceremony also they honor the athlete who was selected to the Malaysian Sport's Team. After that, the prize giving ceremony was started. The Vice-chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor were gave prizes to the winners of the games which is held along the November month and to the overall winner. The overall winner of the SUKEM was Kolej Aminuddin Baki (KAB). During the last part of the ceremony, all students were gathered;sang songs and took pictures. Finally, the closing ceremony was ended well. 

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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Night drive with friends

It was one day before our Deepavali holiday. My three friends and I felt so stressed. So, we planned to go for a night drive to release our tension. We booked a car a day before so that we can feel comfortable and there is no one to disturb us. As per our plan, we should leave after finish our co-curriculum. Luckily, that day our co-curriculum also cancelled. So, we leave UKM early, May be its about 7 pm. First of all, we all felt very hungry and we all craved to eat 'Satay Kajang' because everyone gave good comments after went and eat there. So, we planned to go there first. After reach Restaurant Satay Kajang, without wasting time, we four went to the counter to order food. There got variety of food and satay to eat.

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Later, we ordered 'satay', 'roti john' and juice for us. After long time, we ate different kind of foods there because at hostel always the same menu and we felt so bored to eat it everyday. The 'satay' was delicious. We felt like want to eat it more and more.

                          Image result for satay kajang

    After we had our satisfied dinner, we went to the playground nearby the restaurant. We all became children and started to play the seesaw, swing, slides and all. Its really funny and we try to relax our mind by doing this kind of things and actually its worked. Later, we went to the car and started our journey. We just go along the road with melody songs. Actually, Kajang is a new place for us. So, we looked around and saw what are shops located there. May be later its easy to us, if we want to go somewhere or to buy things. And then, we went to Semenyih to drop one of our friend at her home. For her, the Deepavali mood was activated but for us the next day we still got class to go. So, she went back home early. 

    We went to her home and her parents were welcoming us because it was the first time we visited her house. They were very friendly and caring. They served sweets and biscuits for us which is made for Deepavali. The sweets and biscuits were very tasty especially I like it a lot. Because of I'm a foodie type, my friend packed few biscuits for me to eat during our journey. Then, its time for us to leave. So, from there we planned to go UKM because its already 11 pm and its took half an hour to reach there. During our journey, as usual we played our favorite songs and talked about the life at UKM, what we felt and all. At the same time, I'll ate the foods given by my friend. Hahaha.. Later, my two friends started to felt hungry again. Not only me even my friends also foodie persons. Hahaha.. So, we straight away go to the McDonald's nearby the UKM. There we bought food and finally we back to UKM. 

    The journey was not too long but we really enjoyed the small things that happen on that day and we felt stress free and happy. Its not bored at all. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


It was just two weeks that we joined Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Later, we got information that my seniors are organizing mandarin class. So, my roommate and I planned to join the mandarin class. Later, we filled the google form and register ourselves. I still remember, our first class was on thursday. Actually, our class is on every thursday. hahaha.. My friends and I were very excited to learn mandrin. We enter the class, our chinese seniors which is our mandarin teachers were welcome us to the class. Later, we gave our attendance and get our mandarin books.

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   Mr friend Jegadhes was too excited until she started to study before our mandrin class starts. And then, our class starts. Actually it was really funny because when we pronoun the mandarin words, it didnt sounds good. hahaha.. We make fun of each other's pronunciation. We really enjoyed that class. The teachers also was good and they were very patient. They teach us one by one and make us feel comfortable to ask whatever that we don't know. Then, the class ended well.

  Next, on our third class, we celebrated moon cake festival. Our teachers said that we going to celebrate that festival after the class. So, they ended that class a bit early. First, my seniors played some videos about moon cake festival and we get to know the reasons of this festival and so on. Later, they provided moon cake for us. Its was delicious. We got chance to taste different flavors of moon cakes there. After that, we go out and they gave us a "tang long". We lighted up the "tang long" and walked around UKM. In the dark, we walked with "tang long" and its looked beautiful to see the lights. We took some pictures together and ended the festival well.

Image result for tang long Image result for moon cakes

  After that, our classes passed as usual;learning process. We are waiting to celebrate the next festival together. 



Hey guys !!! Here got a way to do posters, flyers, facebook cover, wallpapers, bookmark, letterhead and so on. You guys can finish it with...