Saturday, December 15, 2018

Watching Too Much TV Can Harm You !

Is watching television affecting your family life? Do you rush for the remote control?

   Most people watch television for relaxation, entertainment and information. Programme channels such as ‘National Geographic’ and ‘Discovery’ are good sources of information.

   However, too much television can harm you. It can lead to violent behaviour or lack of conversation between family members. Studies show that young people who spend too much time in front of the television may become lazy, gain weight and have problems interacting with others.

Image result for picture of a girls watching tv

   To avoid such behaviour, just follow four simple steps to cut down on your TV time. Firstly, keep a record of how many hours a week you spend watching television. Secondly, do not watch just because you have nothing else to do. If you find a programme uninteresting, just switch off the set. Thirdly, set a time limit on the number of hours you watch TV. Lastly, spend more time reading a book or interacting with your family.

Become a smart TV viewer. Take control of the remote before it controls you.

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