Sunday, December 9, 2018

Night drive with friends

It was one day before our Deepavali holiday. My three friends and I felt so stressed. So, we planned to go for a night drive to release our tension. We booked a car a day before so that we can feel comfortable and there is no one to disturb us. As per our plan, we should leave after finish our co-curriculum. Luckily, that day our co-curriculum also cancelled. So, we leave UKM early, May be its about 7 pm. First of all, we all felt very hungry and we all craved to eat 'Satay Kajang' because everyone gave good comments after went and eat there. So, we planned to go there first. After reach Restaurant Satay Kajang, without wasting time, we four went to the counter to order food. There got variety of food and satay to eat.

                                 Image result for restaurant satay kajang

Later, we ordered 'satay', 'roti john' and juice for us. After long time, we ate different kind of foods there because at hostel always the same menu and we felt so bored to eat it everyday. The 'satay' was delicious. We felt like want to eat it more and more.

                          Image result for satay kajang

    After we had our satisfied dinner, we went to the playground nearby the restaurant. We all became children and started to play the seesaw, swing, slides and all. Its really funny and we try to relax our mind by doing this kind of things and actually its worked. Later, we went to the car and started our journey. We just go along the road with melody songs. Actually, Kajang is a new place for us. So, we looked around and saw what are shops located there. May be later its easy to us, if we want to go somewhere or to buy things. And then, we went to Semenyih to drop one of our friend at her home. For her, the Deepavali mood was activated but for us the next day we still got class to go. So, she went back home early. 

    We went to her home and her parents were welcoming us because it was the first time we visited her house. They were very friendly and caring. They served sweets and biscuits for us which is made for Deepavali. The sweets and biscuits were very tasty especially I like it a lot. Because of I'm a foodie type, my friend packed few biscuits for me to eat during our journey. Then, its time for us to leave. So, from there we planned to go UKM because its already 11 pm and its took half an hour to reach there. During our journey, as usual we played our favorite songs and talked about the life at UKM, what we felt and all. At the same time, I'll ate the foods given by my friend. Hahaha.. Later, my two friends started to felt hungry again. Not only me even my friends also foodie persons. Hahaha.. So, we straight away go to the McDonald's nearby the UKM. There we bought food and finally we back to UKM. 

    The journey was not too long but we really enjoyed the small things that happen on that day and we felt stress free and happy. Its not bored at all. 

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Hey guys !!! Here got a way to do posters, flyers, facebook cover, wallpapers, bookmark, letterhead and so on. You guys can finish it with...