Saturday, December 15, 2018


When I was in school, we the members from the Lend-a-Hand Club visited Shelter in Petaling Jaya. We were there from 11am till 3pm.

    We went there to learn about the home and to spend time with the children. The children and the staff of the home were happy to see us. We sat and talked to them for a while. The children told us about life at the home. Some talked about their own families and why they were at Shelter.

    At 12.30pm, we had lunch that was provided by the Lend-a-Hard Club. It was a simple meal but the joy and laughter during the meal made it special. After lunch, we sang songs and played games.

    We also met James Nayagam, the Chairman of Shelter and Jega, the first person to join the home. By them, we get to know more about the home and current situation of the children.

    When it was time to leave, I felt happy that I had visited the children. At the same time, I felt a little sad. These children did not have the comforts I had. Yet, they did not complain. They were very sweet. Hope they will a get better life by God’s grace.

We all have that responsibility to save them and we should help them, it doesn't matter small or big. We can help them as much as we can. Let's share love...

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Hey guys !!! Here got a way to do posters, flyers, facebook cover, wallpapers, bookmark, letterhead and so on. You guys can finish it with...